
How To Hang A Wreath On An Interior Window

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wreath hanging supplies and wreaths hanging in sunroom windows

A genius fashion to hang wreaths on inside windows with a pall rod for the holidays or for any vacation or season.

I honey to hang wreaths in our 8 sunroom windows for the holidays but had a hard time keeping them up.

Every yr during the holidays I get so many questions and emails about my method for hanging Christmas wreaths on our windows.

small sunroom decorated for Christmas with a red plaid rug and window wreaths

For double hung windows it would be easy to pull down the top window and hang the wreath, with a piece of ribbon.

Unfortunately the windows we take in the sunroom are either creepo out or solid and so this method doesn't work.

Christmas wreaths hanging in windows with blue velvet ribbon

It started with an idea...

The start Christmas that nosotros lived in the cottage I had the idea to hang wreaths in the windows.

picture of outside of house and windows


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The plan was keep it elementary and use a thumbtack.

I found out in a hurry that a niggling thumbtack was no match for the window frames.

They take some kind of vinyl blanket on them then sticking annihilation in them, like a thumbtack, is a difficult task.

I didn't want to overcomplicate things so afterward thinking on it a few days I came upward with a solution...leap tension curtain rods.

wreath hanging in window with red checked ribbon

Yep, you can run across them when yous're really looking for them but they blend well into the woodwork.

I experimented with the round rods first but found the the rods that have a apartment back worked best.

The flat dorsum allows you lot to push button the tension rod all the fashion to the window so that information technology's more hard to see.

How do yous hang window wreaths?

What you demand:

  • wreaths
  • ribbon
  • spring tension rod
  • screwdriver
  • scissors
wreath, ribbon and tension rod on a butcher block

How to tie a ribbon on a wreath

The start stride was to cut the ribbon (cutting each piece before I beginning and then that they are all the same length).

Once the ribbon is cutting to size I strung information technology through the wreath and tied a knot in the end of it.

You could even necktie a bow if that'southward the look you are going for. Whatever method yous choose you demand to brand sure the knot is tight.

tying red checked ribbon to hang a wreath

Next, slip the tension rod through the knotted ribbon and hang the wreath.

My choice of tension rod in this application is an adjustable jump rod that requires y'all to use a screw driver.

They seemed to be the sturdiest, which is good if your wreath is a footling weighty.

back side view of spring tension rod

Hanging the wreaths

To install I just button the rod all the manner to the top of the window and all the style dorsum.

That's it!

At present y'all know my wreath hanging secret!

So easy to practice without dissentious the window or trim.

small sunroom decorated for Christmas with a red plaid rug and window wreaths

When the season is over I simply take them down and store them in my Christmas boxes until next year.

They are ready to become if I determine to hang wreaths again.

plants in the corner of a sunroom with wreaths on the windows

What's your solution for hanging wreaths in your windows?

Take a tour of the sunroom dressed for Christmas...

  • Christmas Red in the Sunroom


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